Unlock Location Insights with Store Profile Management

Access all the information you need about your physical locations, when you need it.
Dynamically maintain full marketing data about every location.
Monitor marketing space utilisation and capacity.
Empower store teams to update profiles and add pictures.

All your store info at a glance.

Colateral’s store profiling software holds all the data you need to run effective marketing campaigns, from fixtures and fittings to buyer demographics. Group stores with similar attributes to easily build targeted campaigns.

Shred the spreadsheets. Use modern store profiling.

Say goodbye to the monotony of complex spreadsheets with Colateral’s dynamic store profile management system.

Unlimited store data

Did you know spreadsheets have a 16,000-column limit? Neither did we until a client tried to capture everything in one and it collapsed. Colateral has no limits on data.

Never out of date

No more waiting 6 months to update your database after store refits. Store managers can update Colateral with new information as changes happen.

Enrich profiles with photos and media

Sometimes you need to see what stores look like to plan effectively. Colateral lets you upload images, floor plans and documents to enrich your profiles.

Power marketing campaigns with location data.

Unlock the data in your locations to create impactful campaigns that drive revenues with less waste.
Target campaigns based on store data.

Assign key attributes to each store, including their size, location, or buyer profile. Then group stores with similar attributes and target campaigns in those locations.

Store-specific distribution.

Ensure you send the right quantities and variants to each location. Build campaigns, and Colateral automatically allocates the exact materials that fit in each store.

location icon
Localisation at scale.

Localise your marketing messages at scale with artwork automation. Use smart templates to customize on-brand materials for store groups or individual stores.

Empower store teams to maintain information.

Store refits and layout shifts will no longer leave your database obsolete. Empower store teams to update store profiles, so you always have the latest information available.

retail in-store marketing

The leading independent store profiling software

Go live in days.

Changing your process is complex, but we make it simple. We can help you import existing store information into Colateral. No expensive retail audits.

Own your own data.

Don’t stay in the dark about store details by outsourcing them. Take control of your information to identify ad space capacity, stay on top of contracts, and ensure 100% display compliance.

More than just store profiling.

Colateral is your platform for location-based marketing activity. Go beyond store profiles and unlock campaign management, store execution, and performance analysis.

Loads of content to improve your marketing.

Improve your marketing performance.

Learn how Colateral helps organisations like yours to map all locations to scale physical marketing campaigns.

Transform your marketing process with modern store profiling.

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