Welcome to Colateral.

We unlock marketing performance and eradicate inefficiencies in multi-location organisations.
Supporting marketing in 10,000 physical locations globally
Partnered with leading organisations in US, UK and Europe
A single solution for marketing in the real world

Our mission.

We believe in providing impactful experiences for your customers in every location.

That’s why we empower companies with control of physical marketing performance to deliver great campaigns, remove inefficiencies and unlock new revenue streams from their estate.

store Profile Management software & analysis

Our solution.

Colateral releases marketers from the spreadsheets that hold them hostage, and enables them to plan and deliver marketing that works.

We equip multi-location marketers with the tools to create targeted, impactful campaigns that drive revenues.

Colateral helps you to provide better customer experiences and nail compliance while giving you unrivalled accuracy and data, campaign by campaign, location by location, fixture by fixture. All in a simple, connected digital platform.

Our story

Founded in 2015, we identified that complex in-store marketing processes led to expensive mistakes and disappointing customer experiences.

Working with global retailers and brands, we revolutionised the physical marketing supply chain to give retailers control.

Now, Colateral supports marketers in global organisations, including retail, financial services, healthcare, travel, and hospitality, to transform their marketing performance.

Our values

We live by 4 key values that drive our work.

We mean what we say.


We want to be the best.


We make things happen.


We remove the unnecessary.

Transform your marketing location by location.

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