Your ordinary marketing plans may well be out the window. Your budgets have probably been chopped and changed. Some or all of your shops might be open, but there is the real possibility that they may have to close again at the drop of a hat.
Now you’ve (hopefully) got all your health and safety measures in place, there’s the constant balance between offering enticing promotions and monitoring store numbers. The challenge of taking every effort to make your customers feel safe, while trying not to irritate them with new systems and long queues. Not to mention the massive compromises on instore experiences, particularly when it comes to face-to-face customer service and product testing.
And nothing is certain, new processes are constantly being introduced, with face masks now compulsory in shops in England.
It’s a learning curve for everyone. Retail, as we know it, has probably changed forever…
With change, comes opportunity and consumers haven’t given up on bricks and mortar. In fact, latest research has found that 63% of shoppers feel comfortable to visit stores again and more consumers are getting ready to return to larger high streets in the next month.
While consumers have started to venture back to their favourite shops, how they interact with them has also completely changed. This is where the potential for retailers to evolve really comes in. And, where you can get the most insight, and make the most beneficial decisions, when it comes to your instore marketing.
Read our FREE guide to Turning Adversity Into Advantage. With consumer research, store manager insights, shopping trends and more, discover how to make the most of your instore marketing, now and in the months ahead.
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