Work with retailers to target activations to shopper demographics in different locations.
Create on-brand templates and let marketers localize content that engages communities.
Measure campaign performance and evaluate campaign messaging & targeting to drive campaign performance.
Colateral’s brand activation management software empowers your teams to save time, reduce costs and increase effectiveness.
Your customers don’t differentiate by channel and neither do we. Plan omnichannel campaigns and deploy artwork for social media, in-store or wherever your customers are.
We partner with local experts near you to support and guide you to unlock marketing performance.
Changing your process is complex. But we make it simple by helping to bring your data into Colateral in a matter of days.
We’re proud to have a 99% uptime rate over the last 6 years. Colateral’s always available when you need it most.
One thing is certain: localized campaign content has a better impact than a one-size-fits-all marketing...
Shoppers are increasingly channel fluid, easily going from viewing an Instagram ad to testing products...